Title: Devastating Car Accident Shakes Campus
Byline: By Katherine Martz
Introduction sentence: Campus shook early Friday morning when a driver under the influence seriously injured Lindsey Hartman, the driver of a green Chevrolet Cavalier. The accident happened on the corner of Main St. and College Ave.
Police received the 911 call at 2:45 A.M. The assaulting vehicle, a black Cadillac Escalade, hit Hartman's Cavalier as she proceeded left onto Main St. from College Ave., via the green light. Mr. Brian Carter, the driver of the Escalade and under the influence of alcohol, rear ended the Cavalier at an estimated 65 miles per hour. The Chevrolet rolled multiple times, ending in a ditch. Ms. Hartman endured a broken neck, three broken ribs and a broken leg. The chief of police, Mr. Conway, stated, "Had Ms. Hartman been wearing her seatbelt, her injuries may have been less severe."
Mr. Carter suffered a broken arm and a concussion from the collision. Ambulances rushed them both to St. Joseph Medical Center in Bloomington to treat their injuries.
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